- 2025 ACE Investment Program Open
Funding applications for the Arts and Culture Enrichment (ACE) Program are open until 5 PM on Sunday, July 28th. Late submissions will not be accepted. The program offers up to $100K in investment to strengthen Savannah’s economic, physical, and social vitality through arts, culture, and creative disciplines.
- Public Comment re: FY 2024 Budget
Addressing record low cultural arts funding in the FY 2024 proposed budget, this speech was shared with the City Council on November 21, 2023, during the 1st public comment meeting.
- FY 2024 Budget and Hotel/Motel Tax Use
During their budget retreat workshop, this letter was shared with the City Council on November 17, 2023. to address shortages in cultural arts funding.
- Emphasis Needed For More 2023 Arts and Culture Investments
You need only act if you want to see the City of Savannah’s renewed focus on supporting the arts and culture community, which contributes so much to our community’s fabric, tourism, and economic development. Contact the Mayor, at-large Council Members, your Council Member, and the City Manager to communicate your support and encourage them to …
- Open Letter to the Mayor and City Council of The City of Savannah
This is an unpublished letter initially sent to the Savannah Morning News addressing misconceptions about how the City of Savannah invests in its cultural arts organizations. In addition, commenting on the trend of not investing enough in the local organizations to provide their services to the residents of Savannah residents.
- Letter to Savannah Morning News Editor (Johnny Mercer Theatre)
The fate of the Johnny Mercer Theatre may soon be decided. Opposing arguments are made to either renovate or demolish the facility. However, I have not seen serious discussion about the real, measurable impact if the Theatre were lost. Before a decision, there is an undeniable need for a viable and concrete solution for a comparable venue.